I hate boys and I hate food.

A mania overcame my being today that directed any possible emotion into hate for boys and for food. Useless moodiness, really, but here we are.


If you were to ask me if I believe in love at first sight, I’d want to slap you and then myself because yes of course but it will never happen to me again. However, it is FINE in the real sense of the word not the passive connotation normally affiliated with someone with a vagina using it. Why, you may ask? Because that is not the kind of love I choose to value. I choose to value friendships and people who bring me up, not people who attract me just to bring me down. I’d rather have five close friends and have my independent time than waste my life with someone I’m only with because the idea of our first interaction still haunts occasional waking moments. In moments like these, ones of weakness, one must hit the ‘skip’ button and remember why it’s like this.

If you were to give me my favorite food in the world right now I would probably take it but spit out every bit of it after enjoying it so like whatever I’m drinking hot chocolate and wine for the rest of my life.

Also I’m rewatching British Skins.